On a TomTom GPS navigator you will often have to go through a few menu pages before finally reaching your desired function. This is bothersome, especially if the function that is not directly accessible is one that you often use. The TomTom Menu Designer program will provide you with the tools you need to get the frequently used and desired functions on the first page of the menu.
The software can be used with several TomTom navigator models. It can be uploaded to the 300, 500, 700, 510, 710, 910 and ONE models and should work as it is supposed to. Other models are possible, but you will have to just test it yourself to see if it is compatible.
Although most icons can be customized, there are some that you have no control over. The icons that you cannot put on the first page are those that have to be accessed with the ‘navigate to’ command, like the home, zip code and city center options.
Once you have setup the first page menu like you want it to be, it will replace the old menu. If you decide that you want the original menus back, then you simply have to delete the customized menu file. Once gone, the original settings will return.